十炎 Shiyan
Freelance illustrator based in Canada. Specialize in Character illustration, Live2D artwork and emotes and more. Inquiries are welcome.
Language: 中文 / EN / simple JP
Email: [email protected]
DC: shiyan0429
✢ ✢ ✢

Commission Status: Closed |
Commercial Use Project Only 2025 August or later |
委託開放狀態 : 暫停 |
只接商委,排單到2025年8月或以後 |
✢ ✢ ✢
✢ ✢ ✢
Commission Status: Closed
Commercial Use Project Only
2025 August or later
委託開放狀態 : 暫停
✢ 同人作品 Fanart ✢
Alluria 魁Kai Fanart
Alluria 魁Kai Fanart
Alluria 魁Kai Fanart
Alluria 魁Kai Fanart
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
Holostars Fanart 同人插圖
殺戮天使 同人立繪插圖 Angels of Death Fanart
銀魂 - 同人插圖 Gintama Fanart
銀魂 - 同人插圖 Gintama Fanart
✢ ✢ ✢
價目表 Price List
精緻插圖 Illustration
角色滿版 Character Sketch Page
拍立得驚喜包 Skeb Polaroid
頭貼驚喜包 Skeb Headshot
正比V皮 Live2D Model
Q版V皮- Chibi Live2D Model
Twitch資訊欄 Twitch Panel
精緻Q版 Detail Chibi
Character Design/Ref Sheet 角色設計/三視圖
模板 YCH
表符、貼圖 Emotes, Stickers
眼睛橫幅驚喜包 Skeb Eye Banner
(Preparing 施工中) Live2D 動圖 Live2D Animation
(Preparing 施工中) Live2D 拆分 Live2D Cutting
(Preparing 施工中) Live2D Rigging
✢ ✢ ✢
Please read my Terms of Service before commissioning.
✦Prices are in USD.
✦Payment though PayPal invoice, Kofi, VGen(credit cards / Apple pay / Android pay).
✦Prices listed are for personal use only.
✦Prices are subject to change.If quoted is already provided, price stays the same for that specific commission.
✦Commercial use fees is usually x2 or x3 depending on usage.
※The prices in the price list are for reference only. Prices may fluctuate according to different needs. Please refer to the actual quotation※
✦透過 PayPal 、Kofi、VGen付款
✦商業使用 (根據使用情況) 一般是價格x2 或 x3。
✢ ✢ ✢
價目表 Price List
精緻插圖 Illustration
角色滿版 Character Page
拍立得驚喜包 Skeb Polaroid
頭貼驚喜包 Skeb Headshot
正比V皮 Live2D Model
Q版V皮- Chibi Live2D Model
Twitch資訊欄 Twitch Panel
Character Design/Ref Sheet 角色設計/三視圖
模板 YCH
表符、貼圖 Emotes, Stickers
精緻Q版 Detail Chibi
眼睛橫幅驚喜包 Skeb Eye Banner
(Preparing 施工中) Live2D循環動圖 Live2D Loop Animation
(Preparing 施工中) Live2D 拆分 Live2D Cutting
(Preparing 施工中)
✢ ✢ ✢
TAT : 1-2 week when it's your turn in the queue.
Type | usd | twd |
頭貼到胸部 Bust Up | $75 | 2450台幣 |
半身-大腿以上 Thigh Up | $100-$130 | 3200-3850台幣 |
全身 Full Body | $150 | 4900台幣 |
addons | usd | twd |
背景 background | +$50~$150 | +1630~4900 |
急件 Rush | +100% quote price | +報價 100% |
商用 Commercial use | x2 or depends | x2 或 聯繫報價 |
商品 Merch | x3 or depends | x3 或 聯繫報價 |
備註 Notes: |
If you have a specific publish date to keep private before , please info ahead. |
如果您有一個特定的發布日期需要在之前保密,請提前告知。 |
授權範圍: 商用 直播與社群使用。
TAT : 1-2 week when it's your turn in the queue
Note: commercial use fees for stream, community use Included
Type | usd | twd |
半身Q版+資訊欄設計 Half Body Chibi + Panel design | $40/each | 1320台幣 |
全身Q版+資訊欄設計 Full Body Chibi + Panel design | $45/each | 1600台幣 |
addons | usd | twd |
急件 Rush fees | x2 | x2 |
商品Merch | x3 | x3 |
備註 Notes: |
Please provide at least 1~3 props as design inspiration for the panels' sign |
請為字板設計提供至少1~3個道具/物件參考 |
TAT : 1-2 week when it's your turn in the queue
type | usd | twd |
拍立得+物件貼紙 Polaroid+stickers | $150 | 4930台幣 |
stickers in separate layers = commercial use fees will apply
addons | usd | twd |
額外Q版全身Extra Chibi | +$40/each | +1315 |
額外角色+Q版全身Extra chr+chibi | +$100 | +3200 |
急件 Rush fees | +$100~150 | +3200~4930 |
商用 Commercial use | x2 | x2 |
商品 Merch | x3 | x3 |
備註 Notes: |
Please provide at least 4~6 props OR 1 theme for the stickers |
請提供至少 4~6個物件 或 1個主題作為貼紙參考 |
TAT : 1-2 week when it's your turn in the queue
Size: 5000px x 10000px (300 dpi) or larger
type | usd | twd |
角色頁Character Page | $400+ | 9850台幣 |
If it's for commercial use, will include seperate layers of characters
addons | price | twd |
複雜角色 Complex Chr | +$50~$100 | +1640~3200 |
急件 Rush | +50% of quote price | 報價 +50% |
商用 Commercial use | +$200 | +6550 |
商品 Merch | contact for quote | 聯繫報價 |
備註 Notes: |
可以不一樣的衣裝,但是按複雜程度調整價格 |
Can have different outfits but prices may vary according to complexity. |
✢ Live2D立繪 Live2D Model ✢
TAT : 2-6 week when it's your turn in the queue
Price vary depending on model design complexity
Commercial use fees included.
Size: 7000px+ (600dpi)
Type | usd | twd |
Vtuber角色設計 Vtuber Character Design | $150+ | 4900+台幣 |
3視圖 3 views Ref Sheet | $200+ | 32900+台幣 |
拆件V皮 Live2D Model | $700-$1000 | 23000-32900台幣 |
角色設計+3視圖+V皮 Chr Design+Ref Sheet+Model | $900-$1200 | 29600-39400台 |
addons | usd | twd |
表情差分/物件 Expression/Props | $5~25+ | +160~820+ |
額外配件/開關差分Toggles | $25~$50+ each depends on complexity | 依複雜程度+820~1600+ |
髮型 Hairstyle | $100~150+ | +3200~4800+ |
衣裝 Outfit | +$300+ | +9850+ |
報價所需要資訊 Info need for quote |
A. 角色設計【外貌、衣著、動物體徵等等】(有圖片範本可以減少溝通成本) |
B. Live2D立繪 (繪製姿勢、表情數量、差分按鍵等等) |
C. 人設三視圖 (正側背視角拆解圖、相關物件、額外角色塗鴉) |
✢ Character Design/Reference Sheet 角色設計/三視圖 ✢
TAT : 4 week when it's your turn in the queue
Price vary depending on model design complexity
Full Body - Rig Ready | usd | twd |
角色設計塗鴉 Character Design Sketch | $100+ | 3290+台幣 |
三視圖 Reference sheet | $200+ | 32900+台幣 |
If it's for commercial use, will include seperate layers of characters
addons | usd | twd |
商用 Commercial use | x1.5 | x1.5 |
頭貼塗鴉/平塗 Bust Sketch or Cell-shade | $30 | +990 |
Q版塗鴉/平塗 Chibi Sketch or Cell-Shade | $30 | +990 |
報價所需要資訊 Info need for quote |
A. 角色設計【外貌、衣著、動物體徵等等】(有圖片範本可以減少溝通成本) |
B. 人設三視圖 (正側背視角拆解圖、相關物件、額外角色塗鴉) |
✢ Q版Live2D 立繪 Chibi Live2D Model ✢
TAT : 2-6 week when it's your turn in the queue
Price vary depending on model design complexity
Commercial use fees included.
Full Body - Rig Ready | usd | twd |
拆件立繪 Ready to Rig Model | $300+ | 9900+台幣 |
addons | usd | twd |
表情差分/物件 Expression/Props | $5~25+ | +160~820+ |
開關差分 Toggles | $25+ each depends on complexity | 依複雜程度+820 |
髮型 Hairstyle | $50-$100 | +1650~3290 |
衣裝 Outfit | $120 | +3940 |
報價所需要資訊 Info need for quote |
Live2D立繪 (繪製姿勢、表情數量、差分按鍵等等) |
✢ Live2D循環動圖 Live2D Loop Animation ✢
TAT : 1-2 week when it's your turn in the queue
Price vary depending on model design complexity
Commercial use fees included.
Base Price | usd | twd |
Emote | $40 | ---台幣 |
Chibi | $100 | ---台幣 |
Normal | $200 | ---台幣 |
addons | usd | twd |
商用 Commercial use | x2 | x2 |
商品 Merch | x3 | x3 |
報價所需要資訊 Info need for quote |
Live2D立繪 (繪製姿勢、表情數量、差分按鍵等等) |
✢ Live2D拆分 Live2D Cutting ✢
TAT : 1-2 week when it's your turn in the queue
Price vary depending on model design complexity
Commercial use fees included.
Base Price | usd | twd |
Emote | $40 | ---台幣 |
Chibi | $50 | ---台幣 |
Normal | $ | ---台幣 |
addons | usd | twd |
商用 Commercial use | x2 | x2 |
商品 Merch | x3 | x3 |
報價所需要資訊 Info need for quote |
Live2D立繪 (繪製姿勢、表情數量、差分按鍵等等) |
✢ Contact Format Reference ✢
I am not native English please do try to keep description in simple English if there's any, thank you!* means must fill in
*Client Name
Who are you? This name will be marked on portfolio showcase*Contact
How to contact youSocials
Twitter, FB, youtube, twitch, etc.*Commission Type
Example: Character Page, illustration, chibi panels etc.Size and Quantity
Canvas size, ratio etc*Usage
For example: collection, publishing on other platforms, promotes , live streams, printing and selling, etc.Budget
If you have a budget, please tell me first*Character + Reference Images
The more detailed description clear image references the betterExtra Info
Things you want for the artwork specify such as character movements, expressions, backgrounds, props, etc.Deadline
Rush Fee +50%~100%*Can artist publicly stream / share the work with credit (privacy fee may apply)
Yes (no extra fees)
Not while WIP but final work is ok, NDA required*Work public date
Public anytime after completed / after client public the artwork / it shall not be made public (NDA - buyout price)I will reply with a quote within 3 days. If I didn't replied I might has missed the mail/msg please contact again!
✢ 【委託信格式 參考】 ✢
* 表示必須填入
✢ terms of service ✢
Paying the deposit means you agree to my terms of service. If there are any details not mentioned, the client should ask for detailed specifications in advance before payment. If there is no written contract between the two parties, all rules shall be subject to the content on this page. Please be sure to read this page carefully before entrusting it.
General Terms
I reserve the right to use commissioned work as a part of my portfolio and post them on social media.
Do not edit my artwork itself in any way unless you have my permission.#Commercial Use edit scope standard
Unless it's a buyout always credit @Shiyan_429 or link my social account when posting the commission work.
Please do not use non-commercial commissioned content for commercial usage such as streaming related purpose or merchandise.
I reserve the right to refuse your commission request if I feel that I am unable to handle the commission request.
All payments in USD via Kofi, PayPal or Vgen. #Payment manual
Order Process
After the quotation is accepted, client need to pay at least 20% upfront of the total commission amount as a upfront deposit to secure a slot in the queue.
Payment plan can be discuss if needed.
If payment cannot be made on time due to special reasons, please provide a specific payment date. Note: No upfront payment = not in queue.
When it is your turn on the queue, client needs to pay the remaining of the deposit for me to start the commission.
Except for skeb type of commission, after the full upfront deposit is made I will send in clear draft, lineart+base colour and final rendering each time for revision.
Delivery though shared link after confirming the final rendered is good to go.
Priority will be given to works for commercial purposes
Queue is listed by month, for example, if you are in April queue your artwork will be hand in within end of April.
Payment Method
The prices are in US dollars (USD), Processing fees include when quote
Cancellation and Refund
If you cancel after the draft you will receive 50% refund.
If coloring has already been completed, there is no refund.
If I cancel your order for any reason, you will receive a full refund.
Draft: 2 revision max.
Lineart and Base colour: 1 revision max.
No major changes once I start rendering.
No charge for minor changes caused by me misdrawing settings. Those will not be count as 1 revision.
If you already have a composition idea, please be sure to explain it in detail in advance. I would not accept many revisions or major changes on a piece if you had no idea about the composition idea and leave it to me to express freely, but afterwards you are dissatisfied with it.
Personal Use
Personal collection, community avatar, and picture sharing.
Make small amount of prints for "personal use" : decorations, stickers etc. Please inform artist in advance.
The entrusting party is not allowed to commercially use or resell the pictures, claim that the finished product is produced by themselves or others, and modify the pictures by themselves and must communicate with the artist.
Only painters can publish on personal social networking sites, include personal portfolios, and retain the most permissions.
Commerical Use
Live Streams, social platform promotions, making games or videos and other graphic design processing.
Carry out agreed-upon sales activities, such as making posters, standees, badges and other physical merchandise for sale.
Provide the commissioned settings to third-party creators or fans for derivative creations
Resell the file, but it cannot be higher than our original quotation, and prior notification is required before resale.
Process the artwork without changing the original file. For example: vtuber uses materials and puts them on their model art. Using my artwork to recreate a poster or other type of graphic design related promotion visuals.
Artist retain copyright of the artwork.
If commercial prices for one commission amount exceeds $900, etc., it is recommended to sign a contract with the artist to protect the rights for both parties.
If you want to list more detailed specifications on the order form, or if the client side has a more formal contract form, you are welcome to discuss it with the artist in detail
上傳圖像請標明原繪師@shiyan_429 (可以直接艾特) 或個人網站出處。
付款方式: Kofi、PayPal、VGen。 #付款方式說明書
商業用途作品優先 (按每個月計算)
價格單位為美元 (USD),一般報價已含手續費。
如果您在草稿完成後取消,您將收到 50% 的退款。
草稿最多修訂 2 次。
線稿+底色 最多 1 次修訂。
微小更改不收取任何費用。這些不會被算作 1 次修訂。
委託方涉及盈利的所有行為 EX:拿去販售、商業合作宣傳圖、書本封面或內頁插圖、遊戲製作、開設營利的實況使用等
若採用商業價格, 或單次委託金額超過3萬元以上、等較龐大的金額數,建議與繪師簽契約單以保障雙方權益